Arndt Municipal Support Inc. (AMS) is a Veteran-Owned local government management consulting business. AMS provides organizational development, strategic planning, financial management, economic development, and human resource management services. The number one goal of Arndt Municipal Support Inc. is to add value through service! Our mission is to provide practical executive-level support to local government leaders.

Leadership Coaching
Provide one-on-one leadership coaching to assist local government leaders in progressing in their careers, or to help underperforming municipal leaders meet clearly defined performance goals and objectives to improve their performance.
Board and Staff Training
Lead training sessions for elected and appointed officials aimed at educating team members on their roles and responsibilities while nurturing collaboration and support amongst each other.

Succession Planning
Create and deliver a customized succession plan for critical municipal positions that provide a pathway for continuity and success within the organization.
Executive Recruiting
Actively assist cities, counties, villages, and public utilities with the recruitment of executive and senior-level team members, from the creation of the position announcement through the acceptance of the job offer.

Classification and Compensation Studies
Create and deliver an internally equitable and externally competitive compensation and classification system with an economically feasible implementation plan.
Strategic Planning
Facilitate, create, and deliver a strategic plan for your team to implement over the next few years. This may include the development of a Vision, Mission, Organizational Values, Goals, and Objectives.

Organizational Analysis
Provide an internal assessment and external comparison for your consideration to increase operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and cost effectiveness.